Tribuna VR 
in the exhibition ”Domus Grimani 1594-2019”

Just before the lockdown we had the pleasure to work at Palazzo Grimani, one of the most beautiful museums in Venice.
This is the virtual tour of the “Tribuna”, featuring two high resolution panoramas and a 360 sketch.

Palazzo Grimani in Venice, restored and enlarged in the 16th century in a roman style, was the residence of a noble Venetian family. Patriarch Giovanni Grimani, a sophisticated collector, used it to showcase his antiquities. The most important pieces were located in the extraordinary room called “Camerino delle Antichità” (Chamber of Antiquities), known nowadays as “Tribuna”. In 1587 Giovanni decided to donate part of the vast and prestigious collection of Greek and Roman sculptures to the Serenissima Republic of Venice. In 1594, after the patriarch’s death, the antiquities were moved from Palazzo Grimani, in order to be exhibited in the entrance hall of the Biblioteca Marciana in St. Mark’s Square. The exhibition “Domus Grimani 1594 – 2019. The collection of classical sculptures reassembled in its original setting after four centuries” (May 2019-May 2021) gave the possibility to bring several pieces back in their original location. Here we have the great opportunity to admire, after 400 years, the elegant charm of one of the most remarkable collections of the Renaissance

Venezia, Museo di Palazzo Grimani
Direzione regionale Musei Veneto
Venetian Heritage

/ vr photography / development / documentation
Luca Nicolò Vascon
/ vr drawing / ui design / documentation
Chiara Masiero Sgrinzatto

su concessione del Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo